The South African Council For The Non-Proliferation
Weapons Of Mass Destruction

Any person who is control of any activity with regard to controlled goods, must register with the Council...

Registration with the Council

In terms of Government Notice No. R.16 of 03 February 2010 (attach link), any person who is control of any activity with regard to controlled goods, or who has in his possession, or custody, or under his control, controlled goods must register with the Council.

Treaties and Agreements

South Africa adheres to a number of international treaties

Internal Compliance Programme (ICP)

South Africa adheres to a number of international treaties, agreements and arrangements that has an impact on its policy on non-proliferation, disarmament and arms control and includes, amongst others, the following...


Registered persons who intend to become involved in or are involved in any controlled activity

Other Control Authorities

Registered persons who intend to become involved in or are involved in any controlled activity, which includes import, export, re-export, transit, transshipment, manufacturing and provision of services related to the controlled goods...

About Non-Proliferation Council

In South Africa due regard has been taken of the gravity of the possible proliferation of weapons of mass destruction with policy development and the enactment of specific legislation in the form of the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act, 1993 Act No.87 of 1993).

This legislation provides for control over WMD and establishes the South African Council for the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (the Council) to control and manage matters relating to the proliferation of such weapons. The Council shall; on behalf of the State, protect the interests, carry out the responsibilities and fulfil the obligations of the Republic with regard to non-proliferation, and advise the Minister with regard to any matter which it deems necessary and which falls within the purview of this Act. 

Updated Government Gazettes listing dual use controlled goods: South African Council for the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

The South African Council for the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (the Council) would like to inform all relevant industry stakeholders that the Council has updated five of the Government Gazettes promulgated under the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act, 1993 (Act No.87 of 1993) (Non-Proliferation Act). NOTICE TO INDUSTRY


control and manage

Control and manage all activities relating to non‑proliferation, and provide guidance, instructions and information in connection therewith


Implement matters arising from international conventions, treaties and agreements related to proliferation affairs entered into or ratified by the Government of the Republic

administer registration

Administer the registration of persons involved in controlled activities or who are in possession of controlled goods

Contact Details


Administration and Permits

(012) 394 3030/5779


Scientific Support

(012) 394 3116/1826/5696/3367


Chief Directorate

(012) 394 3035


